A place to breathe

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Price Increase and Why it Mattters to all of us

Have you heard of the song "Blame it on the Rain?". It's from Milli Vanilli, and it's sometimes being played at Red FM.

I've been protesting for price increase these few days. The only thing that I talked about during breakfast and lunch is price increase.

So It matters. But constructively, as Malaysians, let's not blame everyone for the price increase.
(Of course, if you asked me why the price increase, I have a lot more to tell).

Here's what you can do to reduce inflation without making noise to government :

1. Don't eat too much rice. Cut your meal from 3 to 2 times a day.
2. Pump petrol at Petronas. Petronas can help on petrol subsidies and other things
3. Don't spend too much on imported goods. Buy local products.
4. Change your lifestyle to a positive, frugal life style with reasonable spending.
5. Don't buy house now. Buy later when the price is stable
6. Buy second hand car. If you want to buy new car, buy Proton
7. Cut on electricity bills. Consume less water.
8. Do more work with less effort. For example, use tools to chop off trees. This increase productivity.

I can go on and on, but as ordinary Joe and Jane, other than lamenting yourselves on price increase, you won't go anywhere.
Our government now can't handle subsidies like we used to (maybe they don't do good planning as compared to before).

And please stop asking for pay raise, unless our productivity match our pay. Otherwise, it's just bad for everyone of us.

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.