A place to breathe

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants

You know I got this movie for a while and I never really care about watching it until yesterday.
The problem is that, the title seems to suggest that this is probably movie for girls, because it's a Sisterhood stuff. You know, maybe sometime later.

So last night about 10pm, I didn't really know what to do already. I kind of get bored with Astro channels, so, what the heck, I'll watch the movie.

The beginning of the story is kind of, you know, girls talk about their shirts and things, and I just kind of entertain it and watch it anyway.

However, when it comes to the part when they found the pants and make the pledge to bow to a few rules when wearing it during their summer holidays, the movie gets quite interesting. The reason is because the movie (and I'm about to apply some movie critic skill here), have this concept of parallelism in the story, where the story actually splits into 4 stories, and they're all connected -- guess what -- through the pants!

So the pants is a "token" that gets around. Token is very important, as you can see in a lot of movies. You know, husband give the ring to wife, a lover give a love letter to another lover, a father give a pair of shoes to their sons, and all sorts of tokens. Token serves as a connecting point between characters. That's what make a movie so interesting. Because some characters share a same token in some way or the other, it's related.

And as the Sisterhood movies goes, this token gets around. The way is that, the four friends ship their pants around after wearing it for about a week (I think) via post. So as we can imagine, the friendships gets better when they receive the pants. The pants is supposed to do some magic when you're wearing it. So there's this time when a friend fall in love because the pants gets stuck down under the sea and a handsome Greek guy saves her, and all sorts of things.

The parallelism in the story work out great because the pants, the connecting token, gets around and do something to the person who wear it. Different person has a different story to tell, but it shares the same concept. Found who they love, what they care, and after that, conflict among themselves and work out on some sort of resolutions.

The only thing that I want to disagree (well, it doesn't really matter), is that, a viewer is supposed to be watching the stories in Carmen's perspective. However, viewer doesn't really connected to Carmen. Carmen's character is not strong enough to influence the overall drama in the movie. Although I can see she's trying, I think Bridgette is done much better job, except that she broke down at the end of the story.

The good part is that, the endings ends with Carmen's story. So Carmen's story actually went beyond the other Sisters story, and that is sort of wrapping up the overall movie stories. I still think that the movie could give much more impact if Carmen's character could influence more of the rest of the characters and have a sort of connecting ending, but it didn't happen.

Anyway, it's a good movie if you have time to waste before going to bed.

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.