A place to breathe

Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Damn, it feels good to be a Gangsta"

Sometimes, you just feel like you want to do something different. In fact, I've always wanted to do it.For example, when all the people use the same brand of car, somehow, I don't really feel special for using the same brand of car. I want to drive something else. Whether it's old car, cheap car, expensive car, or rare species, it doesn't matter.

Similarly, when people do things in a way all nice, very good, and the way society respect (like scoring high in the exams or what not), I don't feel like doing it anymore. Because the thing is, and the point of living is probably, for me, is to make a difference. Whether to your own selves, or the life of others. Maybe what the society expect is not what we want in our life. Because, maybe you don't really fit into the society.

And the question now is, to what extent that I should make a difference? What good would be if I make this kind of difference? If the difference is very small, well, you can probably make a small difference. But when the difference is very big, then, you'll make a big difference.

Actually, when we reflect to ourselves whether or not we should really make a difference, it matters to ask ourselves what we really care. Do you care about your family? Your car? Your house? And how about the security? Do you care about those? If you care, and you want to do something about it, you should do it. I learned from a Chinese friend that, we should take some small steps before we're making a big step. The small step starts from us. That would be the beginning, and that would make all the difference.

Sometimes you wonder why people could produce some lyrics like Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta . Ignore the profanity, but when you look at the end of the lyrics, it shows something
that the lyrics writer care. He's talking about something that he probably believe in, and he cares about it.

Whether it makes any difference or not in our life, could be. But it's really our call to do it.

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.