A place to breathe

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

GNU Octave

Today, I would like to talk about GNU Octave.

I found GNU Octave when I was searching for free version of Matlab. I wasn't really programming in Matlab when I was at school or even work, but it occurs to me that I want to see what's in there (just curious, basically).

If you don't know what's Matlab (OK, so you're a C++ fan, or you don't need Matlab for whatever reason). All I need to say is that, the plotting is cool. I mean, I don't really do anything fancy rather than looking for some 3D examples, and go plot it. Check out the picture. Isn't it cool?

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.