A place to breathe

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Trailers in movies are like abstracts in papers, we just show the overview so that the audience would want to watch the movie.

Here are some interesting things I would like to point out to designing nice trailers:

1. Introduce the "curious" elements in the movie. How? It depends on the movie. Curious elements can be characters, plots, or the "world" i.e the movie's "feel". What the movie is about? Why are such and such things happen? Why she cries?

2. Make the audience think. Usually, this is the message that you want to tell to the audience. Say you want to go green. You introduce theme of the movie about saving energy. How does the characters carry the mission? What are his obstacles?

3. Introduce "memorable shots" that let users "re-create" the scene even after they watch the trailers. We call it "recreation of motion". This is powerful.

3. Don't show the ending!.

The worst trailer is to show all the main characters, the plot, and how it ends. Why should I go watch it when I already know everything?

Betul tak?


Lukman said...

Betul tak? Betul betul betul!

syamsulhasran said...

bro, aku tak paham hang cakap apa.

About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.