A place to breathe

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The King and the Servants

The King once said:

"O Servants

For all these crops in our vast fields
That we have been planting
That we have been showering
With the fertilizer from the best breed
With the sweat of joy that taste so sweet
With the hard work that caused us to bleed
But what it is to worry because we are all agreed
That we did not commit
The act of greed
But merely because,
This is what we need
For our land, family and friends to meet

With joy that will never depart
Although we are so far apart
In our vast land, but ah, why we take it so hard

Because all these crops in our vast fields
Have all began to produce beautiful shapes of all kinds
Have all began to produce flowers of all colors
Have all began to produce buds, leaves and branches
Have attracted so many bees so they could steal our honey
But we don't mind, because we have so many
Of the flowers that will ever last so long, just like our abundant water-lilies.

As long as all our work are carried over to our young generations
Who are now growing healthy, helping us at the farms with all might and passions

All these crops in our vast fields
Now blooming
And producing
As much as we want to be
To be harvested, to be consumed
For all of us, and to grow
Our future generation

And it takes only one generation of ours
To finish all our harvests
That we store in all our silos
So that the future generations
Will turn into poverty
And will never recover
From the past sins of their fathers
Who have forgotten
Of the future of their future generations
To live, to love and to leave
With harmony and peace"


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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.