A place to breathe

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentine's Day is a rip-off

I have an opinion that I held for a long time, although sometimes I thought I've made some exceptions:

Valentine's Day is a rip-off

Think about this:

1. If you love someone, you should love him/her everyday. There must be something in that someone that you love. If you don't love him/her and you hope something magical will happen during Valentine's Day, think again.

2. You don't need a special day to express the love-feeling thing. You show it any day you want.

3. You are expected to spend a fair amount of money on something both you and your couple probably don't want to (such as, too expensive), but you have to because, guess what, it's a Valentine's Day.

4. Why can't I declare 15th Feb as Syamsul's Day. I mean, who's this "Valentine" guy anyway that we're supposed to celebrate.

5. I don't have much money to spend on a "special" occasion that has nothing to do with me, and my (future) couple. By the way, I'm still single.

6. Valentine's Day is a distorted reality created by capitalism.

OK, these are my reasons. I have nothing to celebrate during Valentine's Day. If the idea of Valentine's Day is to celebrate love, then I hereby declare everyday is a "Valentine's Day". This reduced the significance of Valentine's Day to absolute zero. Which is what it is supposed to be.
It should just vanish from this world.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Hahaha, I absolutely 100% agree. I don't know why some people are willing to spent a bomb on a ridiculously overpriced dinner. If you're rich fine, otherwise it's just crazy.

About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.