A place to breathe

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Apartment - good and bad

I like living in an apartment. I like it more than living on a landed property.
Here's what I found the good and the bad about living in an apt:

1. Cheap to rent (or buy)
2. Small and easy to clean up
3. A lot of people to say hi and make friends
4. Living at a higher level is great. The wind is cool

1. No land to grow plants.
2. Your car/vehicle is downstairs so you can't see it.
3. Risk to fall over is there. Esp for the height fright freak.
4. Relatively noisier since a lot more people are around.

The biggest problem for me is no (1), I can't grow many plants. My orchid plants are dying and no longer have their beautiful blooming orchids coming out of it easily. I tend to forget to water it and they couldn't get the rain (maybe a little sprinkle but that's it).

This is a bad thing.


Anonymous said...

mcm kurang stuju dgn good item 3. rasanye dok apartment lg susah nak socialise. hehe.

tatau la, tp tu my experience kat kl dah dkt 5 thn. maybe png n kl berbeza kot.

Unknown said...

hang tak naik lift kot.
naik lift mesti la jumpa makcik2 hantar anak sekolah.
tegur2 mesra la

Anonymous said...

hi hi bye bye je
tp xde mcm sense of neighbourhood mcm kat kg or area tmn. hehe.

syamsulhasran said...

la, mcm tu kena la balik kampung. baru ada kenduri kendara

About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.