A place to breathe

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do nothing

You know, life is pretty simple if you think about it.

There are two three things we do in this world:

1. Work
2. Play
3. Pray (if you have religion).
4. Nothing.

There are a lot of people already talking about Work, Pray, Play. But who ask themselves when can I do absolutely nothing?

I'm not talking about doing nothing to the extent where you don't even breathe. That just means that might as well be dead.

I'm talking about you just sit on your ass and do nothing.


1. When you're lazy to wake up from your bed on Saturday morning. You feel like listening to the song "I'm Only Sleeping" . You'll do nothing for like a couple of hours.

2. When you come back from work and you don't want to do anything. You just relax at Nasi Kandar, or plucking guitar, or just staring at the wall.

3. On Sunday morning after you are done doing some outstanding 2 weeks laundry, wash car and mop the floor. You want to do absolutely nothing. You sleep until nth hour.

4. When you're stuck working on something at work, and you usually want to relax for a bit, and you look there's no incoming emails and so you just want to relax. I usually read the Edgar Allan Poe's poetry around my cubicles and then just want to do nothing after a while.

5. When you start your car and warm up the engine. You listen to the music, blast loudly, and you want to do absolutely nothing after that.

6. When you're not sleepy, but you're already at home after work and after dinner, but still early to go to bed. Since Astro keep playing the same program over and over, or I don't like any of the programs despite having so many of them, I want to do absolutely nothing. Just go to the room and relax on the lazy chair, and do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Any other suggestions when can I do nothing, please let me know

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.