A place to breathe

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beware of Lady Drivers

Today, I almost got hit by a Waja driven by a lady on the way to work. This is not the first time I almost got hit by lady drivers. There's once when I was crossing the road and the car was waiting (it was a zebra crossing). When I was walking in front of the car, suddenly, the car moves!. She almost hit me. I can't remember whether she stopped but that was enough for me think of making sure I run when I saw the lady drivers in front of me when crossing the road.

Today, I was riding my bike to work. It was a slow lazy Friday morning, and I wasn't really focusing on the road. I saw a Waja about to go out from a junction. She's supposed to wait for me to cross. And when I almost approach her car, she drove straight! I screeched my bike and fortunately I could recover my stability although I almost hit her car. She was looking at me and drove off. I was a little bit mad, but if I follow my heart, I will ride past her and ask her to pull over, maybe do some lecture or something like that.

In conclusion, beware of the lady drivers. They might hit you when you slow down.


Soo Huey said...

don't generalise n group all ladies together la...

i think its coz she probably hasn't cycled or used a motorcycle before, so doesnt realise how dangerous these situations are.

i've actually experienced the same thing b4... except i (LADY) was on motorcycle and the driver who stopped at the junction, looked at me and decided to dash out was a MAN!

i was going down the windy road from Batu Ferringhi and the car was coming out of the junction near yellow light restaurant. i was going downhill n riding quite quickly, so was very very dangerous of him to rush out when i was so close! in fact my bike hit the back of his car, but he sped off while i somersaulted n rolled downhill! So its not juz lady drivers....

syamsulhasran said...

hah, well. OK. it could be that we're facing the same thing at two different scenarios.

luckily you survive the ordeal though.

Soo Huey said...

yea.. i was quite lucky. i had just finished karate, so was wearing my karate pants n a jacket (because usually sweaty after training so cold when riding). i'm sure the thick pants n jacket really saved me from serious injuries.

About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.