A place to breathe

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Python - why you should give it a try

I have programs written in Perl. Whenever I revisited the code, I've forgotten what I've written, so I would stare at some of these variables for a few minutes before I remember. I have a line of code that
I use the spaceship operator : ' <=> ' . I love it. But whenever I come back to this, I was like. Oh man, what is this. ??

So somehow a colleague of mine have written some Python and got stuck on some issues. In order to help him, I have to learn Python.  So i decided to rewrite a portion of the my Perl code to Python. The result is... wow, efficiency. !

I was thinking. Why I wrote so fast on Python? Hmmm... Then I realize a few things:

1. There's no curly brackets { }. So I don't have to worry about missing brackets.
2. Semicolon ';' is optional. So being lazy, I just skip the semicolon
3. Strong community support. Packages are all in PIP . Getting a package is as simple as running
    pip install  package_name
4. Works well on both Windows and Linux.

So far I'm happy with Python. I probably use more and more of it.

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.