A place to breathe

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Einstein's Ideas and Opinions

After close a half-year reading, I've finally finished reading a book pack with Albert Einstein's idea (Ideas and Opinion - Albert Einstein).

I'm not a trained Physicists and Mathematicians, but I have a deep interest in understanding how nature works. Einstein repeatedly mention of the importance of "logical simplicity" and threw skepticism on our perception of "truth" in our daily lives.

You'll come across his famous formula:

E = mc2

and you'll wonder how simple this formula, yet how powerful it is.

I found that this is a nice demonstration of what he meant by "logical simplicity". Of course, after a series of mathematical derivations, physics theories, etc.

I want to talk more about it, but I can't blog about it. I need physicists to explain to me the concept of Lorentz transformation and inertial equivalence and of course, the gravity!

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.