A place to breathe

Friday, May 1, 2020


I used to work in Angular 1.x . Not particularly pleasing, but it is one nice web development that allow us to do some form of JS-binding that make your website looks cool.

When Google came along, they introduce Angular 2 (and subsequent madness of release versions), which is a much improved version of Angular 1.x. What's not nice is that, your Angular 1.x app now no longer compatible with Angular 2. To migrate them, suffice to say, it's a pain.It's possible, but you might not want to do it. The effort is just monstrous.

OK, I still stick with Angular. But there's a new kid on the block called React, which is gaining traction. A lot of people like it, but I still don't quite appreciate it simply because I don't like coding my HTML/CSS into the JS file itself. I thought it's not very portable in case React doesn't see the light of the day one day.

Recently I got a hand of React, I kind of got a hang of it. Starting to like it myself. And then I also found a new development called AngularDart.

I was thinking AngularDart is the same like Angular but it's not.  They have some of their quirks. I am still getting along. I will post a few more things if I found it interesting.

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About Me

I'm currently a software engineer. My specific interest is games and networking. I'm running software company called Nusantara Software.